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KIC-X5 temperature tester

KIC-X5 temperature tester

KIC-X5 temperature tester
CategoriesTemperature Control
Accuracy± 0.5°C
Internal Operating Temp0°C to 85°C
Sample Rate0.1 to 10 readings/sec
Radio Frequency (RF)433.92MHz
Update TimeMar 29,2025
Detail Information


Robust and Compact Hardware

This new and improved hardware is designed to withstand the roughest and toughest daily handling! The electronic circuitry is designed to tolerate a high level of voltage spikes that occasionally occur in some ovens and wave solder machines.

KIC is putting their money where their mouth is by offering a standard TWO YEAR warranty on this durable profiler.

The X5 is availalbe in 7, 9, and 12 channel versions using standard type K thermocouple connectors and uses standard AAA or recharageable batteries. Additionally you can power the X5 via the USB cable when connected to a computer. Get better data to precisely identify what is going on with each thermal profile and process in the factory.

Data Intelligence Software

The X5 software uses a modern, graphical interface that quickly and intuitively guides you through the task of profiling. Manual prediction capability comes standard with the X5, allowing you to manually adjust and improve upon your process or oven setup. The Navigator PowerTM software feature automates process improvements and optimization for you and ships standard with the X5. Within seconds, the Navigator Power  will identify the single best oven setup.

The X5 also comes standard with SPC charting software that helps reveal changes in the profile over time.

The X5 hardware and software establish a new generation of profiler to improve your production quality, productivity, and documentation.

Technical Specifications

System Accuracy:




Internal Operating Temp:

0C to 85C

Sample Rate:

0.1 to 10 per second

Data Points:


PC Connection:

USB 2.0 (Std-A/Mini-B)

Power Requirements:

(3) AAA batteries or USB cable when connected to a computer

Radio Frequency (RF):


Thermocouple Compatibility:
7, 9, 12-Channel Unit:

Type K, Standard

7-Channel Unit:
9-Channel Unit:
12-Channel Unit:

(L x W x H mm)
206.0 x 60.0 x 17.0
206.0 x 75.0 x 17.0
206.0 x 98.0 x 17.0

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